Update - PFAS at Groton-Dunstable High School

Latest Update 9/3/2023

pfas in the high school For over a year, the Town of Dunstable has been working with the Towns of Groton and Pepperell, along with the Groton-Dunstable Regional School District, evaluating options to solve the issue of PFAS contamination at the Groton-Dunstable Regional High School and surrounding properties located in Dunstable and Groton.

With the shared desire to bring clean drinking water to the high school as quickly as possible, our collective work to-date has focused on two solutions: the first option would bring water from Groton down Chicopee Row and the second option where water is brought from Pepperell to Kemp Street in Dunstable, then down Groton Street to the high school in Groton.

You can watch a recent joint meeting of the Dunstable and Groton Select Boards on this issue here: There is now a working group convened again to identify a cost-effective solution to this problem that benefits all communities involved, and most importantly the high school, to the maximum extent possible, as quickly as possible.