Union Building Use Survey - Last Chance!

Take our survey TODAY to help us determine how we should reuse it!
Graphic promoting Union Building survey

Please take our short 10 question survey, which is open through January 13, 2024.  We are looking forward to your feedback!

The Town of Dunstable Union Building Rehabilitation Committee is conducting a study to determine how to use the historic Union School building after it is no longer needed by the Groton-Dunstable School District. Through this study we are evaluating potential uses, necessary repairs and upgrades, and grant and funding opportunities for supporting the adaptive reuse of the building, either for public or private uses.

As part of this process, we want to hear from Dunstable residents about what types of activities and uses they would like to see in Dunstable Town Center, and particularly at the Union School. Before taking this survey, we invite you to view the online presentation to understand work done to date. You can view the presentation here.

Survey feedback will be considered along with market demand, physical characteristics of the building, funding source availability, and other considerations in determining a final recommendation to be presented in 2024, including at a public meeting the evening of Thursday, February 8, at Dunstable Town Hall. This survey closes on January 13, 2024.

Please click here and take the survey today!