It's not too late - participate in the Town's Walk Dunstable project!

Conduct a Do-It-Yourself walk audit and attend the community meeting on Wednesday, October 4 at 5 PM
Walk Dunstable graphic on community meeting

If you haven’t yet participated in the Town’s Walk Dunstable project, it’s not too late! There are still ways for you to get involved.

As a reminder, the Town is working with AARP and the Northern Middlesex Council of Governments to assess and enhance the safety and walkability of our Town Center and adjacent areas.

You’re still able to conduct a Do-It-Yourself walk audit! You can find the DIY materials here:

Join us on Wednesday, October 4 at 5 PM at Dunstable Town Hall for a community meeting and group walk.

For more information on the project, you can check out the AARP Walk Audit Tool Kit which provides information on walk audits and walkability in general.