Hiking Through Dunstable's History

The second in a series of guided, easy hikes hosted by the Dunstable 350th Committee
stone arch bridge

It's finally here! After 2 reschedules, the weather looks like it's going to be glorious. Meet up is at 2pm at Swallow-Union, or a few minutes later at the bridge parking lot on High Street just before the NH line. Hope to see you there!!

You need to “look under the hood” to see why Dunstable looks like it does today.  What did all that continental crashing, fire and ice do and most importantly, what did it leave behind that created Dunstable? See evidence of this history by exploring a granite quarry to learn how miners split stone and then see what they built with it!  Visit the nearby stone arch railroad bridge to learn how they made this wonder over 150 years ago without using any cement or metal.

This is a short, flat land walk perfect for families and designed as a hands-on experience to understand just one more of the events that created our community. At 2pm we will meet at the Union School in the center of town, or meet up a few minutes later at the bridge parking lot just before the NH line on High Street. We should return by 4pm and your hike guide will be Jim Frey.