D350 Presents: Dunstable Photo Scavenger Hunt

Sponsored by the Dunstable 350th Anniversary Committee

Who doesn't love a good scavenger hunt?  Take the month of June to reallllly get to know our beautiful town of Dunstable.  The list of hints & locations are available at the bottom of this page or you can pick a copy up at the Dunstable Public Library.  You will have all month to explore! 

The Scavenger Hunt ends Saturday afternoon, June 24th when participants will bring “selfies” on their cell phones/cameras to the Dunstable Rural Land Trust Art Show at the McLoon barn between 10:00 and 2:00 to show-off their skills as “Exploring Dunstable Super Sleuths”.

Hints to find some of the locations are included in the list of sites to aid in the discovery process, but your success will depend upon your observational and conversational skills. Talk to people!
Photos must be taken SAFELY from roadside or public access. NO trespassing on private property is allowed. One person should be identified as the “Lead Participant” and must be included in each photo. Prizes will include eternal fame and an “Official” certificate of
participation … This event is for rekindling pride in Dunstable and the fun of discovering some of its stories and “landmarks”!
The list represents a total of 39 pictures!  Happy hunting! 
PDF icon dunstable_photo_scavenger_hunt_list.pdf558.05 KB