Board of Health

The Board of Health Administrative Assistant, Joan Ferrari, is available in the Town Hall (upper level) on Tuesdays from 12-4pm.  She is also available on other days via email or by leaving a message at 978-649-4514 ext. 229.  Every effort will be made to answer your emails and return phone calls in a timely manner.

Our Nashoba Agent, Bridgette Braley, is available in the Town Hall (lower level) on Tuesdays from 8-10am. She is also available on other days via email, by leaving a message at (978) 649-4514 x250, or by calling the Nashoba office (800) 427-9762 Ext. 303. 

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Joan Ferrari Adminstrative Assistant, Dunstable BOH (978) 649-4514 Ext. 229
Bridgette Braley Nashoba BOH Sanitarian (978) 649-4514 Ext. 250 or (800) 427-9762 Ext. 303

Board Members

NameTitleTerm Expiration
Anita Moeller



Maria Amodei



Robert Parkin
